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Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Other reducibilities

An ongoing area of research in recursion theory studies reducibility relations other than Turing reducibility. Post (1944) introduced several strong reducibilities, so named because they imply truth-table reducibility. A Turing machine implementing a strong reducibility will compute a total function regardless of which oracle it is presented with. Weak reducibilities are those where a reduction process may not terminate for all oracles; Turing reducibility is one example.

The strong reducibilities include:

  • One-one reducibility: A is one-one reducible (or 1-reducible) to B if there is a total computable injective function f such that each n is in A if and only if f(n) is in B.
  • Many-one reducibility: This is essentially one-one reducibility without the constraint that f be injective. A is many-one reducible (or m-reducible) to B if there is a total computable function f such that each n is in A if and only if f(n) is in B.
  • Truth-table reducibility: A is truth-table reducible to B if A is Turing reducible to B via an oracle Turing machine that computes a total function regardless of the oracle it is given. Because of compactness of Cantor space, this is equivalent to saying that the reduction presents a single list of questions (depending only on the input) to the oracle simultaneously, and then having seen their answers is able to produce an output without asking additional questions regardless of the oracle's answer to the initial queries. Many variants of truth-table reducibility have also been studied.

Further reducibilities (positive, disjunctive, conjunctive, linear and their weak and bounded versions) are discussed in the article Reduction (recursion theory).

The major research on strong reducibilities has been to compare their theories, both for the class of all recursively enumerable sets as well as for the class of all subsets of the natural numbers. Furthermore, the relations between the reducibilities has been studied. For example, it is known that every Turing degree is either a truth-table degree or is the union of infinitely many truth-table degrees.

Reducibilities weaker than Turing reducibility (that is, reducibilities that imply Turing reducibility) have also been studied. The most well known are arithmetical reducibility and hyperarithmetical reducibility. These reducibilities are closely connected to definability over the standard model of arithmetic.

Rice's theorem and the arithmetical hierarchy

Rice showed that for every nontrivial class C (which contains some but not all r.e. sets) the index set E = {e: the eth r.e. set We is in C} has the property that either the halting problem or its complement is many-one reducible to E, that is, can be mapped using a many-one reduction to E (see Rice's theorem for more detail). But, many of these index sets are even more complicated than the halting problem. These type of sets can be classified using the arithmetical hierarchy. For example, the index set FIN of class of all finite sets is on the level Σ2, the index set REC of the class of all recursive sets is on the level Σ3, the index set COFIN of all cofinite sets is also on the level Σ3 and the index set COMP of the class of all Turing-complete sets Σ4. These hierarchy levels are defined inductively, Σn+1 contains just all sets which are recursively enumerable relative to Σn; Σ1 contains the recursively enumerable sets. The index sets given here are even complete for their levels, that is, all the sets in these levels can be many-one reduced to the given index sets.

Reverse mathematics

The program of reverse mathematics asks which set-existence axioms are necessary to prove particular theorems of mathematics in subsystems of second-order arithmetic. This study was initiated by Harvey Friedman and was studied in detail by Stephen Simpson and others; Simpson (1999) gives a detailed discussion of the program. The set-existence axioms in question correspond informally to axioms saying that the powerset of the natural numbers is closed under various reducibility notions. The weakest such axiom studied in reverse mathematics is recursive comprehension, which states that the powerset of the naturals is closed under Turing reducibility.


A numbering is an enumeration of functions; it has two parameters, e and x and outputs the value of the e-th function in the numbering on the input x. Numberings can be partial-recursive although some of its members are total recursive, that is, computable functions. Acceptable or Gödel numberings are those into which all others can be translated. A Friedberg numbering (named after its discoverer) is a one-one numbering of all partial-recursive functions; it is necessarily not an acceptable numbering. Later research dealt also with numberings of other classes like classes of recursively enumerable sets. Goncharov discovered for example a class of recursively enumerable sets for which the numberings fall into exactly two classes with respect to recursive isomorphisms.

The priority method

For further explanation, see the section Post's problem and the priority method in the article Turing degree.

Post's problem was solved with a method called the priority method; a proof using this method is called a priority argument. This method is primarily used to construct recursively enumerable sets with particular properties. To use this method, the desired properties of the set to be constructed are broken up into an infinite list of goals, known as requirements, so that satisfying all the requirements will cause the set constructed to have the desired properties. Each requirement is assigned to a natural number representing the priority of the requirement; so 0 is assigned to the most important priority, 1 to the second most important, and so on. The set is then constructed in stages, each stage attempting to satisfy one of more of the requirements by either adding numbers to the set or banning numbers from the set so that the final set will satisfy the requirement. It may happen that satisfying one requirement will cause another to become unsatisfied; the priority order is used to decide what to do in such an event.

Priority arguments have been employed to solve many problems in recursion theory, and have been classified into a hierarchy based on their complexity (Soare 1987). Because complex priority arguments can be technical and difficult to follow, it has traditionally been considered desirable to prove results without priority arguments, or to see if results proved with priority arguments can also be proved without them. For example, Kummer published a paper on a proof for the existence of Friedberg numberings without using the priority method.

The lattice of recursively enumerable sets

When Post defined the notion of a simple set as an r.e. set with an infinite complement not containing any infinite r.e. set, he started to study the structure of the recursively enumerable sets under inclusion. This lattice became a well-studied structure. Recursive sets can be defined in this structure by the basic result that a set is recursive if and only if the set and its complement are both recursively enumerable. Infinite r.e. sets have always infinite recursive subsets; but on the other hand, simple sets exist but do not have a coinfinite recursive superset. Post (1944) introduced already hypersimple and hyperhypersimple sets; later maximal sets were constructed which are r.e. sets such that every r.e. superset is either a finite variant of the given maximal set or is co-finite. Post's original motivation in the study of this lattice was to find a structural notion such that every set which satisfies this property is neither in the Turing degree of the recursive sets nor in the Turing degree of the halting problem. Post did not find such a property and the solution to his problem applied priority methods instead; Harrington and Soare (1991) found eventually such a property.

Automorphism problems

Another important question is the existence of automorphisms in recursion-theoretic structures. One of these structures is that one of recursively enumerable sets under inclusion modulo finite difference; in this structure, A is below B if and only if the set difference BA is finite. Maximal sets (as defined in the previous paragraph) have the property that they cannot be automorphic to non-maximal sets, that is, if there is an automorphism of the recursive enumerable sets under the structure just mentioned, then every maximal set is mapped to another maximal set. Soare (1974) showed that also the converse holds, that is, every two maximal sets are automorphic. So the maximal sets form an orbit, that is, every automorphism preserves maximality and any two maximal sets are transformed into each other by some automorphism. Harrington gave a further example of an automorphic property: that of the creative sets, the sets which are many-one equivalent to the halting problem.

Besides the lattice of recursively enumerable sets, automorphisms are also studied for the structure of the Turing degrees of all sets as well as for the structure of the Turing degrees of r.e. sets. In both cases, Cooper claims to have constructed nontrivial automorphisms which map some degrees to other degrees; this construction has, however, not been verified and some colleagues believe that the construction contains errors and that the question of whether there is a nontrivial automorphism of the Turing degrees is still one of the main unsolved questions in this area (Slaman and Woodin 1986, Ambos-Spies and Fejer 2006).

Kolmogorov complexity

The field of Kolmogorov complexity and algorithmic randomness was developed during the 1960s and 1970s by Chaitin, Kolmogorov, Levin, Martin-Löf and Solomonoff (the names are given here in alphabetical order; much of the research was independent, and the unity of the concept of randomness was not understood at the time). The main idea is to consider a universal Turing machine U and to measure the complexity of a number (or string) x as the length of the shortest input p such that U(p) outputs x. This approach revolutionized earlier ways to determine when an infinite sequence (equivalently, characteristic function of a subset of the natural numbers) is random or not by invoking a notion of randomness for finite objects. Kolmogorov complexity became not only a subject of independent study but is also applied to other subjects as a tool for obtaining proofs. There are still many open problems in this area. For that reason, a recent research conference in this area was held in January 2007 and a list of open problems[3] is maintained by Joseph Miller and Andre Nies.

Frequency computation

This branch of recursion theory analyzed the following question: For fixed m and n with 0 < m < n, for which functions A is it possible to compute for any different n inputs x1, x2, ..., xn a tuple of n numbers y1,y2,...,yn such that at least m of the equations A(xk) = yk are true. Such sets are known as (m, n)-recursive sets. The first major result in this branch of Recursion Theory is Trakhtenbrot's result that a set is computable if it is (m, n)-recursive for some m, n with 2m n. On the other hand, Jockusch's semirecursive sets (which were already known informally before Jockusch introduced them 1968) are examples of a set which is (m, n)-recursive if and only if 2m n + 1. There are uncountably many of these sets and also some recursively enumerable but noncomputable sets of this type. Later, Degtev established a hierarchy of recursively enumerable sets that are (1, n + 1)-recursive but not (1, n)-recursive. After a long phase of research by Russian scientists, this subject became repopularized in the west by Beigel's thesis on bounded queries, which linked frequency computation to the above mentioned bounded reducibilities and other related notions. One of the major results was Kummer's Cardinality Theory which states that a set A is computable if and only if there is an n such that some algorithm enumerates for each tuple of n different numbers up to n many possible choices of the cardinality of this set of n numbers intersected with A; these choices must contain the true cardinality but leave out at least one false one.

Inductive inference

This is the recursion-theoretic branch of learning theory. It is based on Gold's model of learning in the limit from 1967 and has developed since then more and more models of learning. The general scenario is the following: Given a class S of computable functions, is there a learner (that is, recursive functional) which outputs for any input of the form (f(0),f(1),...,f(n)) a hypothesis. A learner M learns a function f if almost all hypotheses are the same index e of f with respect to a previously agreed on acceptable numbering of all computable functions; M learns S if M learns every f in S. Basic results are that all recursively enumerable classes of functions are learnable while the class REC of all computable functions is not learnable. Many related models have been considered and also the learning of classes of recursively enumerable sets from positive data is a topic studied from Gold's pioneering paper in 1967 onwards.

Generalizations of Turing computability

Recursion theory includes the study of generalized notions of this field such as arithmetic reducibility, hyperarithmetical reducibility and α-recursion theory, as described by Sacks (1990). These generalized notions include reducibilities that cannot be executed by Turing machines but are nevertheless natural generalizations of Turing reducibility. These studies include approaches to investigate the analytical hierarchy which differs from the arithmetical hierarchy by permitting quantification over sets of natural numbers in addition to quantification over individual numbers. These areas are linked to the theories of well-orderings and trees; for example the set of all indices of recursive (nonbinary) trees without infinite branches is complete for level \Pi^1_1 of the analytical hierarchy. Both Turing reducibility and hyperarithmetical reducibility are important in the field of effective descriptive set theory. The even stronger notion of degrees of constructibility is studied in set theory.

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